Dominic Ramli-Davies

Part II Architectural Assistant

It is vital to instil a sense of playfulness and enjoyment through one’s design approach.”

Places – both new and redeveloped – often leave play as an afterthought or an addition only deemed necessary through planning requirements. As an architect passionate about games, films and VR experiences, I believe in incorporating the comparatively imaginative and exciting aesthetics, ethos and concepts of these mediums within my design method.

In my later years of university, alongside dissertations on the use of VR in architectural practice, my projects became driven by the greater challenges of the future; how do we deal with food production, and what will the nature of manufacture be in an age of mass customisation? As much as I believe it important to tackle such issues with due diligence and determination, it is vital to instil a sense of playfulness and enjoyment through one’s design approach.

I am inspired by projects like Cotton Quay, which are defined by a sense of place and specific function, with unique and unconventional elements then spread throughout. This combination changes the way one would imagine, use and experience the spaces within it.

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