Oct 09, 2023

Studio trip to Budapest: In with the new and in with the old...

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Studio Egret West appointed by West Northamptonshire Council
The studio has just returned from a 2-day architectural & cultural tour to Budapest in Hungary, the city is a wonderful puzzle of old and new buildings interacting and responding to each other. We are back in the studio and are feeling refreshed and inspired and are looking forward to sharing this with colleagues and clients alike.

Our tour began at the City Park with a visit to the new extension of the Museum of Ethnography (2022) and House of Music (2022) – designed by NAPUR Architect Ltd. and Sou Fujimoto Atelier Paris / M-Teampannon Architects Ltd. respectively. Both buildings were really interactive and used playful techniques in how they blended with the surrounding nature and environment. A shout out to our tour guides who spoilt us with their enthusiasm, attention to detail and time - Edina Bartucz and Orosz Vivien.

We peeled off into smaller groups to explore the city more whether this was food or more architecture! Later we all came back together for a very special evening of dinner, drinks and speeches. Thank you to Leos Rooftop for the impeccable service and the 360 views from Buda over to Pest. The city was beautifully lit up and really gave us perspective about where we were.

On the Saturday we were met by Professor Dr. Jozsef Laszlovszky for a tour of the CEU Campus (2019) designed by O'Donnell Tuomey architects. Thank you, Joseph, for giving up your Saturday morning and for providing us with such a detailed tour of the building.

We spent the afternoon looking at new public realm improvements in the Buda side of city. We arrived at Szell Kalman Square and walked through to Millernaris Szellkapu Park (2018) designed by TSPC Group. We enjoyed the vertical gardens, the solar mushrooms and the different aspects of greenery and buildings surrounding the ‘green island’.

Later in the day we went to the MOL HQ and Campus (2022). Designed by Foster + Partners at 28-storeys this is the tallest tower in Budapest and in Hungary itself. We were able to enjoy amazing views back over the city and see all the places we’ve been. We then walked to the Kopazi-gat – the beach, where we shared some delicious pizzas and skipped stones. A lovely reprieve to reflect on the trip thus far and see another unique side to this multifaceted city.

And then one final walk along the river Danube, where the path was activated by many public realm designs, and full of people exercising, socialising and playing - ending up at the Budapest Whale (Balna) – a multi-purpose cultural centre.

An extra bonus to the trip was that we got to hang out with our Ukrainian-based colleague Valeriia, who we only get the pleasure to see in person once or twice a year. Thank you for travelling over to spend time with us!

We feel very lucky to have had this experience together as a studio, if you have not been – go!


Studio trip to Budapest: In with the new and in with the old...
