Jul 10, 2024

And the Beat does go on!.... SEW+TELL/RIBA London Collab event a success

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...debating how Music can be the key ingredient in urban regeneration, our lovely panellists rocked the room with their thoughts on the matter...

We all know that practice makes perfect, but as almost 16% of the UK’s small venues closed for good last year, there are less and less spaces for your next favourite artist to master their trade.

And yet, the beat goes on. Music weaves its way through our urban fabric, forging space in community halls, pubs, the underground and busking pitches. Music can kickstart regeneration, bring communities together, establish a generational scene and even rebrand entire cities. How can architects and urban designers make space for music? Who will pay for it? How big should a venue be? And who is it for?

On Friday 5th July, SEW +Tell, in its second collab with RIBA London, created an open forum for discussion on the above topic with a mix of presenters from industry experts through to students from the RIBA.

Thank you to Jett Glozier of Sound Diplomacy, Lenny Watson of Sister Midnight and Tobi Ajanaku of Central St Martins for their inspiring words on the topic.

And a shout out to our wonderful audience. Thanks for turning up in the rain and joining in on the Q&A sessions and networking.


And the Beat does go on!.... SEW+TELL/RIBA London Collab event a success
