May 12, 2020

Plus X achieves practical completion

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Construction work has completed on Plus X Brighton, a 50,000 sq ft new-technology and co-working hub which will become the UK’s second WELL Platinum office building.

Since the project inception, we have worked closely with the client (U+I plc and Plus X) and their sustainability team to ensure that the building is delivered to the highest of sustainability standards. Beyond targeting BREAAM “excellent'', the buildings Wired Score “Platinum” level ensures it has been delivered with a tenant friendly robust and resilient digital infrastructure, whilst the WELL certified to Platinum Status is recognition of its physical environment that supports health and well-being.

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Developed using ‘Smart’ BIM to allow for reliable coordination and an improved future understanding of maintenance and ‘building-in-use’ costs, Plus X will cement Brighton’s position as one of the best places in the world to be an entrepreneur and an inventor. A contemporary and layered aesthetic reflects the dynamic nature of Plus X, and a bright and open façade hints at the open exchange of knowledge within where a diverse workspace for a wide range of creative businesses is catered for, all with access to a shared prototyping lab.

We are looking forward to the final touches being made to Plus X Brighton over the next few weeks.

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Plus X sits at the heart of our Preston Barracks scheme, a £200+ million transformation of a Georgian army barracks (Preston Barracks) and two adjacent University of Brighton Car Park sites into a rejuvenated university campus and new mixed use neighbourhood at a key entry point to the city. This “gateway” scheme also includes a mix of University of Brighton academic facilities, 1300 student beds and 360 residential dwellings.

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Plus X achieves practical completion
