Feb 17, 2021

Construction continues on Erith Primary School

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Introducing Crimscott Street, Bermondsey
Erith 6
The concrete structure has been completed, and works on the facade and landscape are due to start imminently.

Located in Bexley, South-East London, the school's material palette includes concrete and timber, which reference the site’s history as a quarry, and celebrate the ecological nature of the site. Natural daylight is designed to enter from the generous glazing around the inner and outer rings of its circular footprint, creating a pleasant learning environment together with a natural ventilation strategy.

As the site was formerly used as a quarry and landfill, gas membranes and vents were incorporated into the floor and retaining walls, and had to be carefully detailed where they interface with facade elements.

Erith BA4

The pre-cast concrete ring beams around the roof and ground level slabs further define the form of the building. At the lower level, these have integrated drainage channels which take water away from the front of the facade. At the roof level, they have a different profile which was designed to direct water back onto the green roof system.

At the heart of the school is the central courtyard space, which forms a key component of the landscape. This connects to external play spaces, sports facilities, and a forest school area to create lots of opportunities for play and outdoor learning.

Erith BA3

Double height spaces - such as halls and the entrance atrium - have double storey height curtain walls which give a sense of occasion/ arrival, allow ample light into these key spaces and provide views of the verdant landscape outside.

Studio Egret West are working with the Anderson Group and L&Q to deliver this project, which is due to be completed in 2022.

Erith BA2
Erith 5
Erith 4
Erith 7


Construction continues on Erith Primary School
