Feb 07, 2025

Earls Court Public Realm Inclusivity Panel

167 N8 A1168
On our Earls Court Masterplan we worked with our client Earls Court Development Company to hold workshops and public consultation for their Public Realm Inclusivity Panel (PRIP) which is a diverse group of people from the local area, aged 15 and up, who have a range of lived experiences, requirements and support needs.

The panel was set up to give a voice to local people who are not usually included in the process of creating development projects. The PRIP has been working alongside the team for two years, reviewing and assessing evolving designs and ensuring inclusive design is at the forefront of the public realm proposals. In total the panel have spent over 570 hours in workshops with ECDC and the design team shaping proposals. We found the use of co-creation sessions to align design principles with the unique socio-cultural, economic, and environmental context of the community incredibly meaningful and impactful.


Earls Court Public Realm Inclusivity Panel
