Vivien Cheung


Combining the creative and scientific aspects of architecture, I strive to find design solutions that deeply connect people to places.”

Growing up, whether it was related to graphic design, architecture, or just life in general, I have always been particular about how things are organised, created, and visually presented. This attention to detail and passion for design has shaped my career profoundly.

With a dual background in architecture and engineering, I have had the opportunity to explore both the creative and the mathematical, scientific aspects of the built environment. This unique combination has reinforced my commitment to solving problems throughout the design process and striving to achieve design solutions that connect people to places.

My professional journey has included working on numerous large-scale residential projects in London. These experiences have deepened my enthusiasm for prioritising human and social experiences in architectural design.

Outside of architecture, I have a passion for climbing. Whether it’s rope climbing or bouldering, I am always eager to put on my climbing shoes after work or on the weekend. I am also very interested in wine — not just drinking it, but also exploring vineyards, learning about the agricultural aspects, and understanding the intricacies of winemaking. I am currently pursuing the WSET Level 1 qualification to further the hobby!