Han Hao

Project Architect

I enjoy working in a collaborative environment where projects cross-pollinate and enrich each other. This has fuelled my passion for good place-making, to introduce legibility and joy into the spaces where we live and work.”

Studio Egret West has many approaches to design, but one key principle for me is to 'think beyond the red line'. To me, this is what makes SEW tick - an ambition to unlock complex sites holistically, a fine balancing act between being responsive and being propositional.

At SEW, I have been involved in a broad range of ambitious mixed-use schemes. I have seen how narrative and considered design can weave together hitherto disjointed places, uses and stakeholders. For our New Bermondsey project, we have reimagined an underused industrial site in London as a vibrant and attractive 3500 homes neighbourhood. Taking cues from the many unique ingredients of the Site, the design vision is anchored by a multi-layered landscape and a rich array of sports, wellbeing and employment spaces that blend seamlessly into the public realm.

The project has stimulated further design discussions within the studio and I enjoy working in a collaborative environment where projects cross-pollinate and enrich each other. This has fuelled my passion for good place-making, to introduce legibility and joy into the spaces where we live and work.

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