Jan 08, 2020

Studio Egret West appointed as Lead Architects for Smithfield East & West Market buildings

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We have been selected to lead on the delivery of concept designs for the transformation of the Grade II*-listed Smithfield Market into a mixed-use commercial, creative and cultural quarter.

The project will help realise the City of London’s vision for Culture Mile, which stretches from Farringdon to Moorgate. Once the new Elizabeth Line stations open at Farringdon and Moorgate in 2021, the new Museum of London opens in 2024 followed by the Centre for Music – many thousands more visitors are expected to come to the City, with Culture Mile forming a vital draw in attracting new people to the area.

To enrich our design proposals, we have selected a team of experts to collaborate with us, including: Alan Baxter Associates, structural engineers and heritage advisors; Donald Insall Associates, conservation architects; This Must Be The Place, meanwhile use specialists; Speirs and Major, lighting; Iceni Projects, consultation; Greengage, sustainability; Max Fordham, servicing engineers; PT Projects, planning; and Factory Fifteen, visualisers. We will also be working closely with Hawkins/Brown, who have been tasked with transforming the pedestrian experience in the wider Smithfield area with new, better connected public spaces and routes.

Smithfield East and West buildings and the Rotunda
The City Corporation is planning to consolidate its three wholesale food markets onto a single site at Dagenham Dock, in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Should the Meat Market move as part of this project, the Smithfield East and West Market buildings will be transformed into a vibrant, mixed-use development that complements Culture Mile. The final concept designs will protect and reflect the history of these iconic buildings which have served their area for over 150 years.

The City Corporation appointed a diverse judging panel, which included a number of internal and external members and an independent Mayoral Design Advocate. After a robust evaluation process, Studio Egret West (SEW) was selected as best placed to lead on the designs for this landmark project given their comprehensive knowledge of the area and their exciting ideas for breathing new life into these special buildings. SEW will be supported by a cast of experts including Alan Baxter Associates, structural engineers and heritage advisors, Donald Insall Associates, conservation architects and This Must Be The Place, meanwhile use specialists.

SEW’s design submission showed how a loving restoration could see these structures be turned to public use, with sensitive interventions opening-up the buildings allowing new users to better interact with the spaces inside.

SEW adopted a flexible approach to curating a mix of uses that would both support the night-time economy and complement the new Museum of London, recognising the pace of change in the broader area. The uses proposed blend cultural, commercial, and creative space to create a world-class destination for all. SEW’s approach also allows for some early delivery through pop-up and temporary uses that both celebrate the history of the location and introduce exciting innovative uses.

David West, Founding Director at Studio Egret West:
''We are excited to explore the evolution of Smithfield Market, working closely with the City of London, key stakeholders and the wider community.

Thanks to connectivities that did not exist previously, Smithfield is set to attract a new influx of people and, should the meat market move, Smithfield Market could be transformed in a highly flexible and imaginative way, creating a place for meeting and making, growing and exchanging, exposition and entertainment.

Similar to the Great Exhibition of 1851, imagine the spectrum of innovations celebrated in the newly opened-up market halls of Smithfield.”

About Culture Mile
Culture Mile is a corner of London’s working capital, where creativity is fast becoming the most valuable currency. The City of London Corporation, together with the Barbican, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London Symphony Orchestra and the Museum of London, is leading the animation of the whole neighbourhood with imaginative collaborations and events.

Culture Mile brings commerce and culture together in a wealth of creativity. Known meets unknown. Ancient and modern collide as the streets are activated by exhibitions, gigs, pop-ups and events. So, whether you’re with family, friends or flying solo, there’s something for everyone. And thanks to Crossrail’s new Elizabeth Line connections at Farringdon and Moorgate, the area is more connected than ever.

Join us today where two thousand years of history collide with the world’s best culture. www.culturemile.london

About the City Corporation’s Markets Co-Location Programme
The Markets Co-Location Programme (MCP) has been developed by the City of London Corporation to bring together the three historic markets – Billingsgate (fish), New Spitalfields (fruit & veg) and Smithfield (meat) – to one single site.

The City Corporation’s number one priority is to maintain a top-quality market environment that continues to serve London and the south east, however each market is facing a series of pressing and complex challenges. The condition and quality of the buildings are below what is expected of a modern wholesale market. This – along with the many constraints of the buildings – means the ability for businesses to maintain high standards and grow is an ongoing concern.

Dagenham Dock has been chosen as the only viable site to secure the long-term futures of the markets. It will help to reduce unsustainable levels of traffic congestion in central London, improve the capital’s air quality and free up the existing sites for new homes and the City Corporation’s Culture Mile ambitions.

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Studio Egret West appointed as Lead Architects for Smithfield East & West Market buildings
