Apr 30, 2024

Maggies Surrey Cycle Challenge 2024 - They did it!

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This lovely lot did get back on their bikes (second year in a row!), and despite the rain and general greyness of the day - made it through the Surrey Cycle Challenge 2024 to raise money for Maggie’s - so that everyone can access free cancer support.
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It's not too late to sponsor them...

History behind Maggie's
The charity provides an amazing support service for people and families suffering from cancer, which was set up by Maggie Jencks in 1996. She was a writer, gardener and designer, and when she was 47, Maggie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Following her poor experiences of cold hospital wards, she was driven to develop a 'better' place for people with cancer to go, outside of but nearby to the hospital.

Maggie and Charles designed the blueprint for the centres together, enlisting the help of some of their friends from the landscape and architectural world. Maggie’s Centres provide a warm and welcoming place where people can find sanctuary and calm away from the hospital rigmarole.

Our Story

Maggie’s has offered an immense amount of support to one of our colleagues and their family, and we would ask you to help honour this, by raising as much money as possible for this wonderful charity.

Why Maggie's?
Maggie's Centres offer practical and emotional support to people with any type of cancer, at any stage, for free. They receive no government funds and rely on the generosity of their supporters. They focus on the things that really make a difference, such as financial worries, housing, help with managing stress and anxiety as well as side efforts of treatment and they offer family support. They offer this through 1-1 support or group sessions.


Maggies Surrey Cycle Challenge 2024 - They did it!
