Jun 12, 2024

London Festival of Architecture - Earls Court Masterplan

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Studio Egret West’s joint masterplan with Hawkins\Brown for the 40-acre development by ECDC at Earls Court, was the central feature for LFA’s breakfast talk ‘What if our cities were the forests of the future?’.

At the session, chaired by Rahul Patalia and hosted by WSP, the expert panel from the Earls Court Development team were asked to provide their reflections on their place-making approach at Earls Court.

Earls Court is an iconic place that offers a unique opportunity much like the forest to harvest a second life after the end of another. We have adopted an approach that works with the found structures of the site, celebrating these features through meanwhile activation and serving as anchoring elements of the framework's major open space. The landscape-led approach puts healthy living and responsible action at the forefront of all habitat layers, from below the soil with 5th generation energy network facilities, to a public ground of 20 acres of water neutral and bio-diverse open space with over 1,000 new trees, to a balanced mix of culture, community, homes, and employment within a varied mix of buildings, to a canopy of intensive green vegetation over structure. Earls Court sets a new global standard for a sustainable and vibrant mixed-use development; a place for the innovative and the industrious.”
Allie Piehn Commercial Director, Studio Egret West


London Festival of Architecture - Earls Court Masterplan
