The Holt Town Neighbourhood Development Framework (NDF) has been produced by a multi-disciplinary team led by Studio Egret West (including Deloitte, MVRDV NEXT, Turley, Hatch, Deetu, AKT II, and Hilson Moran). It will help guide investment in the Holt Town area over the next decade.
Holt Town represents a major regeneration opportunity to develop a new mixed use neighbourhood, highly sustainable with around 4,500 new homes of different types and tenures – from family housing through to age-friendly and key worker apartments - incorporating high quality green spaces surrounding a 1km “Play Link” that connects St Annes School with Park View Community School in Miles Platting.
There will be 15 acres of green space including enhancements to the river and canal settings, a holistic approach to urban drainage and improvements to a new river park – known as a “Confluence Park”. New leisure and cultural uses will include a flexible Cultural Hub and a Lido / natural swimming pond on the site of the historic Holt Town reservoir. In addition to 30,000 sq ft of commercial space, a “Mobility Mill” with centralised parking for the neighbourhood, will be wrapped with affordable workspace and ground floor neighbourhood services.
The NDF has been informed by an innovative engagement process that attracted 10,000 website visits and 411 formal responses. Our aspiration is to regrow the community like a woodland. The woodland analogy is captured in the NDF as a layered approach, from roots to ground, from understorey to canopy, and beyond to emergent layers.
The NDF takes a carbon neutral approach and a people-first design mindset that prioritises active travel options and public transport over car use. In addition the NDF embeds the opportunity for a digitally enabled neighbourhood that includes the integration of smart technical infrastructure to enable the delivery of local digital solutions and services.
Work is already underway on a phasing plan for investment with a view to levering both public sector funding and private investment.